April Temperatures
Preliminary data indicates that the statewide average temperature in April was 59.8o F; this was 6.3o F above the 1981-2010 normal of 53.5o F (Figure 1). April 2017 was the warmest April since records began in 1895. In fact, April 2017 was more than 2.0o F warmer than any other April on record.
April Precipitation
Delaware’s statewide precipitation for April 2017 averaged 2.54 inches, 1.10 inches below the 1981-2010 mean (Figure 2). Six of the last seven months in Delaware have seen below normal precipitation values.
Statewide Spatial Averages
Data from the Delaware Environmental Observing System (DEOS) shows that temperatures were above normal at every station across the State, with the largest temperature anomalies found in northern Sussex and southern Kent Counties (Figure 3). Precipitation was below average at all but a few sites statewide (Figure 4).
- Figure 1. Delaware statewide mean April temperature (oF) 1895-2017. Red line indicates 1981-2010 normal.
- Figure 2. Delaware statewide April precipitation (inches) 1895-2017. Red line indicates 1981-2010 normal.
- Figure 3. April 2017 average temperature departures (oF) from the 1981-2010 mean based upon DEOS station data.
- Figure 4. April 2017 precipitation departures (inches) from the 1981-2010 mean based upon DEOS station data.