February Temperatures
Preliminary data indicates that the statewide average temperature in February was 40.0°F, which is 2.9°F above the 1991-2020 mean value of 37.1°F (Figure 1). February’s temperature was tied with February 1939 as the 17th warmest since records began in 1895.
February Precipitation
Delaware’s statewide precipitation for February 2024 averaged 1.63 inches, 1.28 inches below the 1991-2020 mean of 2.91 inches (Figure 2). February’s precipitation was the 16th driest in the last 130 years.
Statewide Spatial Anomalies
Data from the Delaware Environmental Observing System (DEOS) show that temperature departures were positive across the entire state (Figure 3) with some locations seeing positive anomalies of more than 5°F in northern New Castle County. Precipitation anomalies were negative across the entire state, with the largest departures found in central Kent County (Figure 4). Delaware experienced two minor snowfall events during February. On February 13th, snow fell across northern New Castle County with amounts ranging from a trace to approximately 2 inches. A more widespread snowfall occurred just a few days later, on February 17th. Snow fell across the entire state with most areas seeing between a trace and 2.5 inches of snowfall.
National Anomalies
Temperatures were above normal across nearly the entire country except for the Pacific Coast and the southeast (Figure 5). Positive anomalies of over 10° F were found across parts of Minnesota and Wisconsin. Only southern Florida saw temperatures that were below normal during the month. Precipitation departures were positive throughout California (Figure 6) while the eastern portion of the country generally saw near-to- below-normal precipitation. The 500 hPa height pattern for February shows anomalous jet stream troughs located over the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of the U.S., while ridging was found over the north central portion of the country (Figure 7). These jet stream anomalies were associated with the temperature anomalies found across the U.S.
- Figure 1. Delaware statewide mean February temperature (degrees F) 1895-2024. Black line indicates 1991-2020 normal (NOAA, NCEI, Climate at a Glance: Statewide Time Series).
- Figure 2. Delaware statewide February precipitation (inches) 1895-2024. Black line indicates 1991-2020 normal (NOAA, NCEI, Climate at a Glance: Statewide Time Series).
- Figure 3. February 2024 average temperature departures (degrees F) from the 1991-2020 mean based upon DEOS station data.
- Figure 4. February 2024 precipitation departures (inches) from the 1991-2020 mean based upon DEOS station data.
- Figure 5. NOAA/NCEI climate division temperature anomalies (degrees F) for February 2024 (from NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory).
- Figure 6. NOAA/NCEI climate division precipitation anomalies (inches) for February 2024 (from NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory).
- Figure 7. 500 hPa geopotential height anomalies for February 2024. Negative (blue) anomalies indicate the presence of an anomalous jet stream trough while positive (red) height anomalies indicate the presence of an anomalous jet stream ridge.