August Temperatures
Preliminary data indicates that the statewide average temperature in August was 75.1°F, which is 0.4°F below the 1991-2020 mean value of 75.5°F (Figure 1). August’s below normal temperature broke the string of eight months with warmer than normal temperatures across Delaware.
August Precipitation
Delaware’s statewide precipitation for August 2024 averaged 3.15 inches, 1.54 inches below the 1991-2020 mean of 4.69 inches (Figure 2). August’s precipitation, although below normal, was only the 45th driest since observations began 130 years ago.
Statewide Spatial Anomalies
Data from the Delaware Environmental Observing System (DEOS) show that temperature departures were mixed across the state (Figure 3) with most locations seeing positive or negative anomalies of less than 1°F during the month. Precipitation anomalies varied greatly north-to-south across the state, with negative anomalies covering most of Kent and Sussex counties, and positive anomalies found across northern sections of New Castle County (Figure 4).
National Anomalies
Temperatures were above normal across a majority of the country (Figure 5). Only the central U.S., the Ohio Valley and the coastal portions of the Carolinas saw near or below normal temperatures. Precipitation anomalies were generally positive along the east coast of the United States (Figure 6), while the Ohio and Mississippi valleys and Texas saw generally dry conditions. The 500 hPa height pattern for August showed no strong jet stream anomalies across the United States (Figure 7).
Global Anomalies
August 2024 ranked as the warmest August on record for the globe since 1850. Global temperatures were 1.27°C (2.28°F) above the 1901-2000 mean. This was the 15th month in a row with record high global temperatures. Particular warmth was found across Antarctica (Figure 8).
- Figure 1. Delaware statewide mean August temperature (degrees F) 1895-2024. Black line indicates 1991-2020 normal (NOAA, NCEI, Climate at a Glance: Statewide Time Series).
- Figure 2. Delaware statewide August precipitation (inches) 1895-2024. Black line indicates 1991-2020 normal (NOAA, NCEI, Climate at a Glance: Statewide Time Series).
- Figure 3. August 2024 average temperature departures (degrees F) from the 1991-2020 mean based upon DEOS station data.
- Figure 4. August 2024 precipitation departures (inches) from the 1991-2020 mean based upon DEOS station data.
- Figure 5. United States climate division temperature anomalies (degrees F) for August 2024 (NOAA, NCEI, Climate at a Glance: Divisional Mapping).
- Figure 6. United States climate division precipitation anomalies (inches) for August 2024 (NOAA, NCEI, Climate at a Glance: Divisional Mapping).
- Figure 7. 500 hPa geopotential height anomalies for August 2024. Negative (blue) anomalies indicate the presence of an anomalous jet stream trough while positive (red) height anomalies indicate the presence of an anomalous jet stream ridge.
- Figure 8. Global temperature anomalies (degrees C) for August 2024 (NOAA, NCEI, Climate at a Glance: Global Mapping).