September Temperatures
Preliminary data indicates that the statewide average temperature in September was 74.0°F, which is 6.0°F above the 1981-2010 mean value of 68.0°F (Figure 1). September 2018 was the warmest September since records for the State began in 1895. The eastern one-third of the United States shared in the extreme warmth, with many cities breaking September temperature records (Figure 2).
September Precipitation
Delaware’s statewide precipitation for September 2018 averaged 6.42 inches, 2.45 inches above the 1981-2010 mean (Figure 3). This placed September 2018 as the 11th wettest September on record since 1895.
Statewide Spatial Averages
Data from the Delaware Environmental Observing System (DEOS)show that temperature (Figure 4) departures were positive and large throughout the State. Temperature departures were greater than 5.0°F at many stations across Sussex County. Precipitation departures were positive throughout the State. Departures were as high as 8.6 inches above normal at Stokley.
- Figure 1. Delaware statewide mean September temperature (°F) 1895-2018. Gray line indicates 1981-2010 normal.
- Figure 2. National daily mean temperature anomalies for September 2018 (from the PRISM Climate Group, OSU).
- Figure 3. Delaware statewide September precipitation (inches) 1895-2018. Gray line indicates 1981-2010 normal.
- Figure 4. September 2018 average temperature departures (°F) from the 1981-2010 mean based upon DEOS station data.
- Figure 5. September 2018 precipitation departures (inches) from the 1981-2010 mean based upon DEOS station data.