Cool Temperatures and Near Normal Precipitation Characterize Delaware’s Climate during November 2014

During November 2104 Delaware’s climate was cool with near normal precipitation.


November Temperatures

Preliminary data indicates that the statewide average temperature in November was 44.7°F, 2.9°F below the 1981-2010 normal of 47.6°F (Figure 1) and the third November in a row with below normal temperatures.

November Precipitation

Delaware’s preliminary statewide precipitation total for November 2014 averaged 3.74 inches, 0.34 inches above the 1981-2010 mean (Figure 2). The first snowfall of the season occurred on November 26th with accumulations observed from extreme northern Delaware into Chester County PA (Figure 3).

Statewide Spatial Averages

All stations across the Delaware Environmental Observing System (DEOS) network experienced lower than normal temperatures during November (Figure 4). Temperature anomalies of greater than -5.0°F were common across much of southern Delaware with smaller negative anomalies found across northern Delaware and Chester County, PA.

Precipitation was homogeneously distributed across the region ranging from over 5 inches in northern Kent County to less than three inches along the Atlantic Coast (Figure 5).


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