Author: Dan Leathers
Above normal temperatures and below normal precipitation characterized Delaware’s July climate.
Near normal temperature and precipitation characterized Delaware’s June climate.
Warmer than normal temperatures and near normal precipitation characterized Delaware’s May climate.
Cooler than normal temperatures and above normal precipitation characterized Delaware’s April climate.
“Delaware’s Climate” StoryMap, using the ArcGIS framework, provides an interactive introduction to Delaware’s normal conditions.
Above normal temperatures and below normal precipitation characterized Delaware’s March climate.
Above normal temperatures and below normal precipitation characterized Delaware’s February climate.
Below normal temperatures and above normal precipitation characterized Delaware’s January climate.
Much above normal temperatures and much below normal precipitation characterized Delaware’s December climate.
NCEI. “Assessing the Global Climate in 2021 | News | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI).” National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), NOAA, 13 Jan. 2022, The National C …