Tag: winter
winter Archive
Although winter 2015-2016 was the 4th warmest since records began in 1895, it was the third year in a row with above normal snowfall.
December 2015 was the warmest on record since 1895. Above normal precipitation also characterized Delaware’s climate in December 2015.
Delaware’s Climate during January 2014 was characterized by colder than normal temperatures and below normal precipitation values.
Below normal temperatures and heavy snowfall characterized Delaware’s Climate during the 2013-2014 winter season.
As a quick-moving and intense Winter storm exits the Mid-Atlantic region on January 22nd, MODIS Terra captured a wondrous view of the the snow cover extent over the Mid-Atlantic region.
After record low, below zero temperatures for Delaware on Saturday morning January 4th, temperatures shot-up to over 60°F across much of the State early on Monday morning (January 6th).
Delaware’s Climate during December 2013 was characterized by warmer than normal temperatures and above normal precipitation values.
Three early season snowfall events propelled December 2013 into 4th place on the list of all-time snowiest Decembers for the Wilmington area with 11.9” of snow
Preliminary data from the National Climatic Data Center confirm what most Delawareans already knew, that the winter season (DJF) of 2011-12 across Delaware was very warm and somewhat dry.